Christian Skaters at Ultimate X 2017

  1. Christian Skaters at Ultimate X 2017

    March 9, 2017 by Chris van der Merwe

    Christian Skaters at Ultimate X
    The highlight for us the past month was to help at the annual UltimateX competition at Grand West. We were asked to add two of our ramps to the competition’s park.

    These ramps were still stationed in Franschoek before moving it and it was quite a mission to get it on the trailer and take it through to Cape Town. Please let me know if you would like to help us get the other ramps to the I2B Somerset West park (this is the old Knysna skatepark that has been donated to I2B. Thanks so much to Marc Kent.)

    Thanks to Bruce, Josh, Connor, Godfrey, Max, Zemke, Gareth, Dylan and CS Cape Town for helping us to move, setup and set-down the ramps.

    We were so honored to have Gareth and Dylan from Nelspruit join us at the event. Gareth has been in charge of CS Mphumalanga and runs Gsk8t. His total commitment to the Lord is evident to everyone who meets him.

    It was great to also have the opportunity to share the CS vision with some leaders.

    The best part of the day was to have a national CS gathering/RadTalk and to pray together for UltimateX and CS.

  2. Skate comp in Bonteheuwel

    March 8, 2017 by Chris van der Merwe

    Skate comp in Bonteheuwel
    We partnered with Potter’s House church when they recently held a skateboarding and rollerblading competition in Bonteheuwel.

    We took members from our I2B Kleinvlei club with to compete.

    Members of the church entertained the crowd with some solid Christian rap. Pastor Harold shared a message and gave the people an opportunity to commit their lives to Christ. The response was great!

    Congratulations to everyone who placed and competed. We are very proud of you guys! Thanks to Pastor Harold for reaching out, caring and loving people. Below is Pastor Harold and I, with the top 3 amateur rollerbladers.